Saturday, October 13, 2007

[homicidal] 1961

Homicidal is quite an achievment on the part of writer Robb White and director/producer William Castle. Most comedies aren't nearly this funny. It features the kind of plot holes, campy dialouge, ridiculously funny acting, and absurd details that Ed Wood could only aspire to.

My favorite detail? A mute, wheelchair-bound aunt is aware that she is living with a homicidal killer-bitch and continually tries to tell everyone who visits the house, from the kindly femme Miriam Webster to a good ol' family doctor who appears to be an old friend. She tries to communicate this by banging a little wooden knob against her wheelchair and staring intently, sometimes trying to mouthe something. Doctor: "Is something wrong, Aunt Helga?" Helga: [stares]

At this point, you gotta wonder - why doesn't she just nod, or shake her head, or make some kind of gesture? Heck, why doesn't she just write it down?

Ahh, but there are so many deliciously stupid details that make Homicidal so enjoyable. And just wait till the last five minutes, when the film is suddenly interrupted--well, I won't give that away. But if you know what I'm talking about, that has to be one of the funniest things ever put into a movie.

For sheer hilarity:

Rating: [***½]

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